Friday, August 19, 2011

We’ve all heard the common saying “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” Well This Contradicts That Statement

Surveys for income is a survey company where they pay you for the work (time) you've put into a survey. With actual time and dedication you can achieve an extra passive income with your free time.

Click Here!

My Surveys for Income Experience

It seemed kinda sketchy, but I will admit that the business model is sound. These companies are making billions of dollars annually, so it makes since that they would make a small investment in paying people to give them feedback which would help them earn even more. For this reason, I thought I’d give the website a shot. Of course, if it turned out to be a scam, I’d have some choice words for my friend.
What I like most about Surveys 4 Income is the fact that you can choose when you want to work and get paid. Unlike a “real job,” you can wake up, fill out a few surveys, then fill out a few more before you go to bed. This results in some decent income, and you are completely free to set your own schedule. This was the main highlight for me, although it does have some other benefits as well.

Let’s talk about the money, though, because if it didn’t earn me good money, I wouldn’t waste my time.

The good news is that Surveys 4 Income definitely delivers in the whole income part. There are quite a few different surveys you can choose from. There are short surveys where you simply check a few boxes and submit it. These are usually just worth a few bucks. If you’re willing to spend some more time, though, it’s usually worth your while. For example, it wasn’t too uncommon for me to find surveys which pay anywhere from $20-75 each. These usually take a decent amount of time, but it’s not a big deal… simply fill out the forms and submit them. Mindless works, sure, but it pays the bills.
Surveys 4 Income works great for me, as I really love choosing my own schedule, and the money isn’t bad either. In fact, I’m probably only earning about 1/4th of what I could be earning if I actually sat down and worked for a significant amount of time. I’m not completely sure about this one, as I haven’t personally tried it, but if you worked full-time on it, I’m thinking you could earn an above-average full-time income.

The catch?

Well, the work isn’t exactly the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. It’s extremely tedious, and it’s hard to stay motivated– especially when you set your own schedule. However, a lot of people work desk jobs which is basically the same thing. If you’re one of those people, I would definitely recommend Surveys 4 Income, as it is pretty much the same thing but you set your own hours.

Final Verdict

Whether you have some free time available that you’d like to use to earn income, or whether you’d like to quit your job and start making money online, Surveys 4 Income will help you with either option. The work is a bit tedious, but it really isn’t bad considering the amount of money you can make. On top of this, the more you do, the faster you get at them. This means that after you’ve worked for a week or so, you can really rip through these pretty quickly, exponentially increasing the amount of money you can earn for each one. I hope you enjoyed reading my Surveys 4 Income review.

Surveys For Income